The Future Equation Role Playing Game

As a service to readers who wish to explore the story further we've set up an interactive role playing game (text or voice) based on the story.  Using AI to adapt to your interactions with the game, it requires a ChatGPT plus account but adds no extra charges (i.e.: free).  

"THE FUTURE EQUATION RPG"  is a Text or Voice Based Role-Playing game powered by OpenAI.

Try The Future Equation RPG*

 powered by OpenAI

See below on this page for voice play instructions.

Visit the game page on this site 

for more details.

The Future Equation - Quantum Overdrive 

book page on this site

Cyberpunk Role Playing Game

OpenAI subscribers are welcome to try the custom "Cyberpunk RPG"  a Text and Voice Based Role-Playing game available on OpenAI's GPT Marketplace.

Try Cyberpunk RPG* powered by OpenAI

Visit the game page on this site

The Motoko Files: Cyber Prophecy 

book page on this site

*Powered by OpenAI 

The "OpenAI" name, the OpenAI logo, the "ChatGPT" and “GPT” brands, and other OpenAI trademarks, are property of OpenAI. 

Our offering is a beta test offering. Although the game has some 'awareness' of the book narrative, the story lines will diverge.

Get more from the RPG Game! Read or listen to the short novel first! 

 Book pages:

The Future Equation - Quantum Overdrive

The Motoko Files: Cyber Prophecy 

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Tips on playing the games...

The games are trained on their respective books. So if you read a passage of the book and would like to explore what the game comes up with, then type a command using language from the book.


Voice Play!

You can install the OpenAI ChatGPT app on your phone and play the game using your voice!

When interacting with your phone, and with the app installed, click on the game link. You can say Help, any time. You can also switch to text mode by clicking the X box or square box to interrupt. You can then continue in text mode, or resume voice mode by clicking the headphone icon.

Usage Tips